Thursday, August 16, 2018

Ollie Palooza!

Hey Crew!

For this week's topic I would like to share with you guys the first event I worked. This was the event at Ollie Palooza in South Boston. It was interesting and the setting was a fun place to be at. It was like a little carnival. There was popcorn, snow cones, hot dogs, bouncy houses, water slides, etc. Our fish printing station added on to the joy of all the little kids running around.

Fish printing is not what it sounds like. You don’t literally print fish, but then again you do. It’s simple, really. First you choose which colors to paint your fish, it could either be a fake rubber one or a real dead one. After you’ve painted it, you take a piece of rice paper to put on top of the fish. Then you should quickly dab/transfer the paint from the fish onto the paper. When you remove the paper, you should be careful because sometimes if the fish was too wet, the paper would rip.

The purpose of teaching kids how to fish print connects to the general purpose of Save the Harbor. It connects them to the Harbor. Nine times out of ten I bet these kids didn’t even know what fish printing was. As they come up to us they ask questions and vise versa. Often even I learn new things.

There were many things I didn’t know before doing fish printing at this job. It’s a learning experience for both staff and the children. I didn’t even know what a flounder was or what they looked like. I was shocked when I learned that they swim on their backs, I didn’t know that was possible. We have yet to catch one on one of our rods, but hey, who knows?! See you guys next time!


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