Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My Second Fishing Derby

I came back to All Access this Monday for Share the Harbor, and we had 544 people from camps, families, and friend groups come out to Spectacle Island. I dressed as a pirate and passed out the broadsheets to a majority of the people. This was all to give them a little bit of an introduction to Pirate history and our sea shanty "Haul Away Joe". We gathered a group of people to sing Haul Away Joe, and there was a dance group from Trinidad that really liked the song. After we taught, and sang a few verses from the song, they continued to sing it with a beat, and maracas. They were having a lot of fun and sang other songs like Little Einsteins, Who let the dogs out, and more.

On Tuesday, we came to Fan Pier at 7:00 for the annual fishing derby. During the fishing derby, people split into groups to see who can catch the biggest fish, and the greatest amount of fish. Kamal, Jordon, Abel, and I got onto the nicest boat in the whole tournament. It looked like a small dorm. It had a kitchen, a bedroom, a social area and more. Unfortunately, for the four hours we  fished we as a team caught one mackerel, while other teams caught an abundance of mackerel, and some caught large striped bass, up to 24 inches!

my Second fishing derby
After the fishing derby, we ate some food, talked amongst each other and eventually went home. It was a fun fishing derby and I am excited for the fishing derby next year! On the following Thursday, we were able to meet Nick Martin, a high ranked worker at Coca Cola and we were able to hear his story. He told us about how he moved up from the south to live in Lexington, eventually living by himself and how he made it into Dartmouth, an IVY league college. He told us about his ups and downs and how he made it to where he is today, and it was a motivational and inspiring story. I learned that I need to take advantages of all of my opportunities, and be surrounded by people that will help me better myself.

gathering to hear a motivational story
I came to MLK the next day, and it was kind of a roller-coaster half day if I say so myself. I started the day eating a lot of the free breakfast they had: cereal, orange juice or cranberry juice, muffins and more. Besides my coworkers, I also saw some people that live near me and some people that I go to school with. I caught up with them, and then we went to the main room where we heard a very emotional story from a kind man. It was about how he got to where he is today from an abusive, heroine addict father, gang violence, and the death of his brother. It was really sad, yet motivational because he showed us it is not too late to achieve our goals and dreams. After that we played some fun games with the founder of BrandMe, and we learned about the importance of a brand, logo, slogan, and how it presents you as a person. I finished the day off with some Raising Canes with a few coworkers, and reflected on how amazing this week.

Until Next Time
Qalid :)

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