Wednesday, August 15, 2018

We back at CHV

I was assigned back at CHV after my first week. This time the old session left and we had a all new session with different kids. I was pretty excited too, just to build bonds with more kids through fishing and such. I was kind of nervous to see the new groups but eventually throughout the week, I've gotten used to the kids and how they act. Just like last week I was still wondering if they would be excited to fish or would they be bored. Turns out they were just as excited as the last session, which was pretty nice.

We had caught a pretty big lobster!

On the first day Jules had wanted me to talk to one group of kids (A Lighthouse). It didn't really turn out well, but the good part is at least I had did it. Jules and Micheal when they were speaking made it sound way better from when I was speaking. But throughout the week it was pretty fun and exciting. I remember on the first day it was pretty mundane. I don't think we had any groups on that day.

I believe on Tuesday we had ended up catching a fish. Of course it was a Skate. Ironically the same kid that caught it said that last year he never caught any fish as all and right after that he caught the fish. What a fun experience that must've been for him. Even the kids around him were like woah! That's insane. The bad part though was the hook was stuck deep inside his body. We had eventually hot him out, but it was pretty painful to look.

This week we overall did the same things we did last week. It was still fun and exciting though. Clubs were fun, the kids were fun, everything there was pretty much satisfying and enjoyable. I wish I had went back, however, I go to a new site next week. What will it be?

Catch ya on the Harbor,

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