Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My Special Return to All Access

In continuation of last week, turns out I was going back to All Access. This was even my first time at Spectacle Island. I was excited because it was so hot and humid this day but we could swim and relax in the cool water. I was at sports for the first day which was pretty chill. We relaxed by a tree for a bit, but then afterwards we played football for a bit. It was fun and I had a great time.
Now Tuesday, that was a really fun day. 

We had the fishing tournament today! Basically what we do is all the staff from Save the Harbor arrive at Fan pier where all the boats are waiting and then we are all assigned in different boats. There were at least 5 people per boat with some exceptions. I was on a boat with Jordan, Qalid, and Abel. It was pretty fun especially with my group. Sadly throughout our boat ride, I only caught one mackerel. That was the only fish we had caught all day. Meanwhile others had caught so many mackerel and 24 inch striped bass.

Funny enough the one who caught the biggest bass wasn't caught on the boat. It was caught afterwards on the dock as Collin had reeled in a fishing line. I believe it was a 28 inch bass. It was pretty funny but overall the event was fun. Wednesday and Tuesday were fun as well. I was back at All Access (this time at George's Island). I did sports both days and we played football and kickball but since it was still hot out not as many kids came over to play. A lot of people were just wondering 
After singing our sea shanties we had taken a group picture!
where the dark tunnel was which makes sense since that is the main attraction on the island.

This week was pretty fun. I had a blast at the fishing derby. All Access was great. I've been having one of the best summers I've ever had to be honest. Wednesday we also had a speaker who talked about career's, opportunities, and overall about his life and how he got to where he was today. I've bonded with people over the course of the summer and even shared a few laughs with everyone.


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