Sunday, June 30, 2019

Another Year, Another Day at Save the Harbor

The First Day of Orientation where we got to know everyone

Hello, My Name is Kamal and I recently graduated from Prospect Hill Academy and I am now going to Framingham State University. I grew up in the city of Boston and overall I like to hangout with friends and play games. Similar to the overall norms of a teenager.

I am back at Save the Harbor for the third time in my life. The first week also known as orientation (Or Week 0 if you will) started off pretty good. I personally believe I am that starting off this summer with a huge boost of confidence. Mainly because I had came back after the two years I had already been there. I was hoping to meet new people but also rekindle my relationship with the returnees that I had known in the past.

Starting off was Day 1 of Orientation. For the first day of orientation we had met at long wharf and took a boat towards to Spectacle Island. I spent most of my time on the boat relaxing, talking and getting myself familiar to other people that will be working with me over the summer. Once on the Island, we had done multiple activities while we were there. One of the activities we did was this game that was similar to chess where we had to move only in a knight formation or and L pattern while 1 or 2 people would be moving in the same direction as one of us trying to tag us and turn us into the offensive side. It was enjoyable for the most part and afterwards we had lunch. Unfortunately, I didn’t eat much because the food was quite expensive, but other than that, after lunch we went back and had played one more activity called Moosey. The activity was pretty fun even though my team had sort of struggled to actually complete the game. Although we left a bit early we learned about the history of the harbor and other islands around the area. Such as Deer Island, where they took all the waste that went into the harbor and put the waste into these egg shapes.

During Day 2 of orientation, we had gone on another boat, but this time instead of heading to the island we were on a fishing trip. After Bruce had introduced himself and we all got settled we got to fish. Lucky for me, I was the first one to catch a fish, and the said fish was a flounder that was around 14 inches. The fishing trip wasn’t that bad at all and ended up actually gaining more friends at the end of the day when compared to the first day of orientation. After we had fished for a little bit, Bruce ended up showing us how to make sushi and many other delicacies that ties into some of the fish we had caught while fishing. That was overall our day on the second day of orientation. We mainly fished, sung sea shanties, and talk to other people. Bruce had also talked us about how large a fish could be before we keep it as well as how to prepare a fish and make it taste good.

The third day of orientation where we were at the Children Museum
On the third day of orientation, we had went to the children’s museum to discuss future plans and sites we are going to be at. We had first talked to these two people about what the museum is and what we should do when working with the museum. All these things were pretty much familiar to me especially since I have worked here many times. Afterwards, we had went towards the ICA building and got situated with all the rules and responsibilities that an employee needs to work. I also found out where I am working for the first few weeks.Overall, My favorite part of orientation
was being able to meet all the new people and get to know them even better.

I start working Monday at the children’s museum and I am hoping to have a wonderful time during my Job!

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