Sunday, June 30, 2019


     Hello, my name is Madison Theriault and I go to East Boston High School. I have grown up in East Boston and for as long as I can remember, my life revolves around sports. I’m currently going into my junior year of high school and I play varsity basketball and softball. Playing sports for so many years has taught me a great deal of endurance, determination, and hard work that I hope to bring into this summer job. I’m very excited to work for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay because, I want to learn more about the bay that surrounds me. When you live in a place all your life, you most likely take advantage of it, like I do with boston, so I would like to learn the history of the harbor so I can tell other people about it.
    This week I have learned that Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has been around for multiple years. SHSB works with may other organizations to teach others about how they can save the harbor and participate in cleaning it up. During the summer, we will be working with summer camps because it is a free organization that allows kids to fish and learn more about what is in the harbor. 
    Also, this week I learned that we have many types of fish and crabs in the harbor. For example, we have king crabs and stripped bass fish. Also, we have one of the cleanest bays in the whole country, however, it was not always that way, for instance, around 50 years ago it was filled with trash and waste. 
    Finally, my favorite part of orientation was meeting my staff mates and fishing with them for the first time. I used to fish when I was younger but doing it now with new people was very fun. Also, going to Spectacle Island was very fun because I haven’t been there in a long time and going there brought back great childhood memories. 

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