Monday, July 1, 2019

If you can think of a better fish pun...let minnow--> Orientation Week!

Hi everyone!

My name is Alex Gamble and this is my first summer working for Save the Harbor, Save the Bay as a Senior Harbor Educator. I am originally from Silver Spring, Maryland and recently graduated from the University of Rochester (upstate New York) where I triple majored in Psychology, Anthropology, and Religion in addition to playing varsity basketball. I'll be headed to the Big Apple in the fall where I'll be getting my Master's in Mental Health Counseling with an emphasis on Social Justice from Columbia University.

(Grimes Glenn- Naples, NY)

When I'm not in the gym or in the library, I love to spend time outdoors. In fact, my first true calling (or so I thought) was marine biology. That is...before I took my first biology class and decided that I better stick to reading and writing! Nevertheless, I have always loved being outside and discovering all that nature has to offer. Having spent many summers in the cold waters of Maine growing up, I gained an appreciation for marine life and got to experience the joy of fishing, swimming, and kayaking too name a few. Most importantly, I discovered my all time favorite foods such as lobster, crab, and scallops!

While I might be able to distinguish between the taste and feel of a lobster from a crab with my eyes closed, I couldn't tell you the difference between a skate, flounder, or striped sea bass with my eyes OPEN! However, after just one day out on the boat with Bruce and the rest of the Save the Harbor crew, it's safe to say I can now identify all of them and I'm excited to add more to my repertoire. In addition to learning about all the creatures that call the Boston Harbor home, I also learned about the incredible history of the harbor from David Coffin who enlightened the staff as to the inconceivable conditions of the water as marine life was subjected to living in complete squalor. To think that at one point it wasn't even safe to swim seems unfathomable but the silver lining in David's story is that through persistence, hard work, and care, real change can be made in this world and is a tenet that Save the Harbor, Save the Bay embodies to the fullest.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store and I'm so excited to share the experience with an amazing staff of people!

(Lake Como, Italy)



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