Sunday, July 28, 2019

Amputate! Kill It! Knock It Out!

Another week, another blog! Welcome back! Long time no see. This week was definitely one that I will remember. On Tuesday it was raining all day so we went to the KIP (knowledge is power) building and brought a crab touch tank for the campers to look at. The weather was HORRIBLE, but I still enjoyed myself. On Wednesday we had a fishing trip with the kids in fishing club. We caught about 15 cunners and 10 striped basses! That’s a record for us! Wednesday was also our last day with the kids because Session One ended the next day, so it was a fun but sad day. Thursday was the campers last day so we didn’t have any kids coming down to the pier. So instead we went down to the beach and skipped rocks. This week was different from rest, but in a good way of course!
Helping get the hook off a Skate

All the interactions I’ve been involved in this past month were all great. Starting with my team and all the way down to the campers and staff at Camp Harbor View. Talking to the campers that I work with is always a challenge. Sometimes you get the kids that are outgoing and love to talk, or other times you get the kids that are shy and see “STRANGER DANGER!”, but talking to them is always a learning experience. After talking to the kids I’ve learned more about them, their families, lives, likes, and dislikes. Sure you probably get that kid that makes you angry and makes you want to bang your head against a wall, but what this experience has taught me is that if you just try to find something that you both have in common, or even just try to get to know them a little bit, they’ll start to rub off on you and maybe even become your favorite. Two campers that I’ve actually grown to become very fond of are named Emmanuel and Solomon. These boys are probably one the most sweetest kids that I’ve ever met! They’re both really shy, but once you really have a conversation with them you can really hear the excitement and joy they have for fishing or just camp as a whole. On the fishing trip this week, Solomon didn’t catch anything but seaweed while everyone else was catching four to seven fishes, but at the end of that day he said he had a lot of fun and wanted to do it again (now you understand why he’s one of my favorites?). He even said that he wants to work for Save the Harbor when he gets older! 

CHV Dream Team (Minus Xavier)
My team at CHV is amazing! We all get along so well and there’s never a dull moment! They make me excited to come to work everyday. We have our inside jokes, weekly affirmations, and we all yell for Michael when we need help holding or unhooking a fish (literally every single one of us)! If there’s ever a disagreement we don’t think about it too long and move on to the next topic. My group has taught me how to handle situations and people in a better manner, which is something I can’t thank them enough for because sometimes my temper does get the best me and I Iose focus on how to handle a situation better. Overall this past month has been great and I can’t wait for the next one!
See you on the “flip(per)” side,

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