Monday, July 29, 2019

Making Connections!

            I visited a different site for the first time this week and that was Blacks Creek in Quincy. This was a whole new environment (literally) than where I am usually working. Blacks Creek is a saltmarsh which offered opportunities to use a seine net in order to catch a ton of fish. Back at CHV we weathered a storm saw the end of our fishing club for this session with one last fishing trip on the Belle!
It was nice to visit a new site and see how programming works at different locations. It was a hot day so using the seine net was a perfect excuse to get in the water. Our hauls yielded tons of killifish, some sticklebacks, and a baby flounder. It sure was exciting to interact with some species I haven’t worked with this summer. On the CHV fishing trip we got into a lot more fish than last time, we caught a bunch of black seabass, cunner, and even a striper! It was definitely a lot of fun and more productive than the first trip!
            Getting a chance to teach kids about things I grew up learning was one of the main reasons I wanted to work for Save the Harbor. If I could inspire anyone to be more active in the harbor through our programming, then I would be more than happy. Another reason I wanted to work for Save the Harbor was to be part of a team that had one goal in mind.
            I really enjoy working with others, because everyone brings something different to the table. Some people have a lot of experience fishing and are able to handle problems that arise with gear, some people are really good with the kids and are able to teach them effectively, and some people are able to do a little bit of everything. This kind of diversity on the team allows for everything to run smoothly while everyone can learn from each other and expand their skill set. One of the most important things I’ve realized is that you can’t be afraid to ask for help, because the task will get completed that way and you’ll learn in the process. 
            As a lifelong fisherman, I love to get others interested in the sport. It’s something that can be affordable, brings you closer to the earth, and is relaxing. I really enjoy fishing with the campers in hopes of making lifelong fisher-people out of them. Before our fishing trip on Wednesday, I was delighted to get bombarded with a bunch of fishing facts from one of our campers. He had spent a great deal of time researching fishing regulations, reports, and techniques for the best results while on the trip. I like to think that our programming helped to spur that deep interest in fishing. 
            One of the best moments I experienced this summer happened this week. While on our final CHV fishing club trip, one of our campers told us that they wanted to work for Save the Harbor when they were older. This moment really touched me, because we were able to inspire our campers so much, that they want to spread our message to others. It’ll be hard to top that one for a while. 
            I won’t see you on the harbor this week since I’ll be fishing in the woods of Maine, but as always…

Tight Lines!

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