Monday, August 5, 2019

A Day at CHV

Coast Guard Ship
Howdy! Welcome back to my blog! I hope you’re not sick of me yet because there’s more to come! This week started off really cool. On Monday we went to the USS Constitution Museum and learned about how people were living on the ships back in the 1700s. Then later on we went to visit the Coast Guard and they told us about how they operate and about all the kinds of things they do. We even went on their boats and learned about some of their past operations! I spent another week at CHV and I absolutely LOVE it! I have been at CHV all summer and not once has there been a dull moment. The staff there is amazing and incredibly talented, the campers are full of personality and always makes me laugh, and the lunch is great. From the outside looking in, the camp is beautiful and full of scenery. It’s also really big! There are old abandoned buildings, a farm, and even an old civil war tower with underground tunnels! It’s definitely a place that you HAVE to go and explore if you’re ever there.  It makes me wish that I went there when I was younger. 

A normal day for us is setting up for our first group of kids, which means grabbing the fishing rods and the tough tank bin, grabbing water for the touch tank, cutting up bait and hooking them on the rods, and grabbing crabs from the traps. Sometimes depending on the weather we will bring some kids down to the shore and do an invasive species lesson with them. We let the kids pick up the Asian Shore Crabs hiding under the rocks and once it’s almost time for them to go we come back up to the pier (and sometimes use them as bait for the crab traps). We don’t always catch fish, but when we do it’s always an exciting moment for us because the kids don’t believe that there are actual living fish in the water. We mostly catch skates and crabs, but sometimes we get the occasional striped bass and very rarely lobster.
Lobster we caught this week

Where we fish is directly across from Deer Island and you can easily see the mills that clean out the harbor. So teaching the kids about the history of the harbor is actually pretty easy because there is a visual of the exact things that I’m talking about directly across from them. Well, It's been real. See you on the boardwalk, Stephanie

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