Monday, August 5, 2019

The Wonderfully Weird CHV family

Camp Harbor View this summer has been amazing, not only the kids that we get to meet and work with, but also the people that I have had the pleasure to work with all summer. Over the course of the summer I feel that we really have become like our own little family. One big wacky, funny, goofy, lovable, crazy, beautiful, kind, and amazing family. Its really hard to put in to words how happy I am that I got the chance to meet, not only everyone at Camp Harbor View, but also everyone at Save the Harbor. You all have made this summer so much fun and I feel like I've really grown as a person.

Partial Group Photo!

The kids I have worked with so far this summer have truly been so much fun to work with day in and day out. Whether it was Michael who brought a plastic box and a minnow net on our fishing trip so that he could catch fish and put them in a touch tank. Or Solomon the boy that a bunch of us CHV people wrote about last week who is probably one of the kindest kids I have ever met. Or Mallory a camper that we all met just this week who is just the cutest kid, always happy and smiling. Really excited to get to know our new set of fishermen and fisherwomen in training this week when we start clubs.

This is Micheal driving the Belle on our last fishing trip

Working at Camp Harbor View is one of those special places. It's one of those things that stick with you. Everyday I bounce out of bed in the morning because I'm excited to go to work with the CHV fam and to see all of our amazing campers. I think this photo is a pretty accurate representation of what working at Camp Harbor View is like. Even the skate is happy to be there. 

I just want to say thank you to everyone who I have worked with this summer y'all have become like my family. I've had an amazing time and this is defiantly a summer that I will never forget. 
Love y'all 💗

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