Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Best Summer Ever

Hello! Welcome back to my last and final blog of the summer. This week was great! On Monday we had a staff day and went to Lovells Island. It started it off with a game of kickball (my team won!) and then we all separated in groups to explore the island. I chose to go to the beach and later on look at the dead whale that washed up not too long ago.

The Dead Whale
I don’t know what I was expecting when I saw it but what I witnessed was definitely unexpected. And it smelt HORRIBLE! If you think our bait smells bad just smell that whale! WHEW! I can never forget it! The rest of the week was normal as usual. We were supposed to go on a fishing trip later on in the week but the boat, the Belle, broke. (Get well soon Belle!) . Then twice this week we caught flounders in one of our crab traps, which is something I never expected to happen! 

My other family

Unfortunately, this will be my last week with Save the Harbor this summer. Bummer, I know!  Save the Harbor is by far the best job I could ever have! Not many people are lucky enough to be able to work and truly enjoy their job, but I was. Save the Harbor allowed me to do new things that I would’ve never done before. If you told me a year ago that I would’ve gone kayaking, learned to fish, or pick up crabs, I would’ve thought you were crazy. I would’ve never thought that a city kid like me would ever get the chance to be trying out new things that I thought only rich people had access to; getting paid for it is another plus factor. 

Working here not only was a great new learning experience, but I’ve created another family. Saying bye to everybody is going to suck, but I will never forget the memories we created this summer; such as fishing trips, staff days, numerous amounts of card games during our free time and the unlimited amounts of laughs and stories we shared. I am going to miss this job very deeply and never forget the people that I’ve met through it. 
Hopefully I’ll “sea” you next summer,


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