Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Water a Summer !

My summer at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has been such a different experience in comparison to last year, in a completely good way. I have met new people and have had experiences I wouldn't have had if I stayed at other sites. Being stationed at CHV has been one of the highlights of the summer, all of July was a BLAST. One of the parts of being stationed at Camp Harbor View was being able to first-hand experience what the camp had to offer to kids. When I was younger I would always hear stories about how great Camp Harbor View was and it would make me jealous of all the kids who attended this camp when I was younger. But now I got to see first hand what the kids in my old school were talking about, how beautiful the view of Boston looks! At my time at CHV I was also able to visit the locations around the island! I was able to see the rocky beaches and find beach glass! Even on the fishing trip, I was able to see think the old abandoned buildings at the site, which was extremely creepy to me, but I would love to visit them in possible. I've heard the stories about what CHV used to be back in the day and it always peaks my interest in them. I also found a heart shaped rock at CHV which I thought was really cool.

I've made so many fun memories this summer and coming to work does not feel like a chore, in other jobs going to work is so boring, but I'm always looking forward to Monday when I get to see all my smiling coworkers and the kids at my site. It is always a great way to start off the week. During my second year at Save the Harbor, I was able to meet a bunch of new people and show them how things are done at the job. I was also able to reconnect the existing relationships I had with my friends from last year! Meeting the kids has also been a blast.One specific memory that really stood out to me was what one young boy by the name Solomn told me, he wanted to work for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay when he was of age. This specific line really touched my heart and it stayed with me for a while. This has definitely been the top moment of my summer and makes want to continue working at Save the Harbor for years to come. Til next time- Albert!

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