Thursday, August 22, 2019

Lifetime Memories

Hey Harbor Savers, 
We have finally completed the 8th week and I am so sad that the end is near. I have created a small family at Save The Harbor and it will be sad to leave in the end because some of my new friends do not live in the state or in the Boston city :(. However, we’ve made enough memories for a lifetime so I’m not too worried. Last week we had a staff day at Lovell's Island and spent the day at the beach we played kickball and swam at the beach, which was freezing cold by the way. 
If I could describe my summer in one word it would be incredibly impossible to do so. I have made memories this summer that I would not trade for anything in this world. I’ve had the opportunity to become apart of something much greater than me and continue to serve my community and our planet in a positive motion! To be able to share my experiences with others is a gift within itself. Out of all my blogs,

I would not include anything else because I’ve told everything about my day’s the way I lived them. To think I was struggling to find a job this summer some time ago in a distant memory to me now, in the present time I am happy and full of excitement for each new day at Save The Harbor.
This is my message to you; Try new things without fear of not fitting in because there will always be room. 

Jay Gomez 

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