Wednesday, August 21, 2019

My Personal Experience at This point

Hello again for the 7th time! (I think)

So for most of the summer, I have been talking about the water quality, the animals, the pollution and many other things that have to do with the Harbor. However, I haven't talked much about what I've been doing at the harbor and the sites I have been at. I believe it's now necessary to talk about what I've been doing at my site!

I've been at CHV also known as Camp Harbor View for the past 2 weeks or so. Honestly, I have to say it's the most fun site to be at, especially when you have a group like mine. They know how to bring the entertainment and keep me occupied when we're not working either. On top of that, the workload is definitely not too challenging, the kids seem excited to fish and chat with all of us. If you're wondering what we exactly do at CHV, we pretty much teach kids how to fish and show them crabs, lobsters and fish. It's the usual only you stay with a certain group of kids every day. It's not that different in comparison to the other sites, but its simplistic and easy for everyone.
Camp Harborview Save the Harbor team with the Mayor
But that's for CHV. I've also been working events throughout the summer with other Coworkers. The ones I have worked are on weekends and usually we have fish printing, coloring, a touch tank, and many more things. I've worked around 3 or 4 events during this summer and they have all been a fun time. I remember my first event at Hull where they had a fire show, the illumination of the beach, as well as the beautiful sunset to top it all off. The second event as the one by the seaport at the seafood festival. I handed out tickets to people by scanning those who already had paid prior to the event. Then I handed out water bottles to those who were tired and thirsty at the event. The third event was last Sunday, where we just had a touch tank and coloring for the kids. It was a really friendly event and really fun for the most part!

This is just half of all the stuff I've done over the summer. However, it was definitely necessary to write about because people need to know what I've been doing with my summer. It's been really fun and I can't wait to enjoy the rest of it with everybody else!

Oh buoy! Can't wait to get back into work

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