Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Back for round two!!

   Hello, my name is Madison Theriault and I go to East Boston High School. I have grown up in East Boston and will probably live here for the rest of my life. I’m currently going into my senior year of high school and I play varsity basketball and softball. Playing sports for so many years has taught me a great deal of endurance, determination, and commitment that I hope to bring into this summer job. I’m very excited to work for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay again because, I had an amazing summer last year and learned so much about our Boston waters. When you live in a place all your life, you most likely take advantage of it, like I do with Boston, so I would like to learn some more history of the harbor, that way I can tell other people about it.
    This week I have realized how different this year is going to be compared to last year because of covid-19. Other than that I know that SHSB works with may other organizations to teach others about how they can save the harbor and participate in cleaning it up. During the summer, we will be doing what we can to keep kids enganged and having fun even if they can't be with us.
    Also,  I got to meet the new faces of the STH staff and get to know a few of them. I want the new comers to feel welcomed and accepted into our group so I am asking them questions about themselves. Here at STH we work as a team, but you can't be a team if you don't know all of your players. 
    Finally, my favorite part of this week was getting to get out of the house and see my friends again after so long. I can tell this summer will be different, but we are going to make the best of it and have some fun. 

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