Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Third Time's The Charm.

        Hello! My name is Albert Deblas and this is my third year at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, while this year may be completely different due to the on-going pandemic in the world, I am nonetheless excited to be part of this wonderful program once again. I am currently going into my sophomore year at UMass Boston, I am currently undecided but my time at Save the Harbor has shifted me into the science field. Being around the water for most or if not all the summer has reignited my childhood passion for marine science. Learning new facts on and off the job has made this feel more like a hobby than actual working and being able to make a difference in the lives of many who cross our paths is one of the joys in working at this job.
Fish printing at an event last summer!

          Some of the most memorable moments I have had at this job were during my time at CHV last summer, meeting and talking to kids from all around Boston has been eye-opening, the multiple personalities you meet every day at this site make every day feel different from the rest. There was this one specific day that I will always remember and that was the day in which we were able to catch a fish for a kid who wanted nothing more. That was the day when I realized that I wanted to come the year after, the effect this program had on the youth was astonishing and I was finally able to realize that.
Looking for crabs at CHV!
          Even though the program at Save the Harbor has shifted tremendously because of social distancing, the core values which we will implant this year have not changed. Which is to educate the public about the water and marine life in Boston Harbor. While I will miss the aspect of the connections you make at this job, it is still enjoyable to be outside spending the summer near water instead of being in an office doing monotonous paperwork. I am extremely lucky to be working this year and will do my best to enjoy the summer as if nothing has changed.

See you next time!
- Albert

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