Wednesday, July 8, 2020

we back at it again year two yet so much has changed !

             Hello there, my name is Dhenia Mercier but you can call me dee. This is my second year of save the harbor and i couldn't be more excited to come back. since we haven't heard from from each other for a few months here's what has changed.  I'm officially a junior in high school. And i attend south shore christian academy. A change of schools from last year, but with that it truly helped me find myself and my community. i also discovered that i love to play soccer. and found my soccer family with my teammates. With covid i didn't get to run track this year. But with ever setback there is a great comeback.
me with my amazing teammates 
            Something that i am excited about for this year is my new team. Its already been two days and i just know that my coworker are ready to take the summer head on. We have already come up with amazing ideas for videos and how to reach the kids of Boston while maintaining social distance.  Something that i want to know more about how this past quarantine has effect the harbor. Seeing as though the quarantine made it so the ecosystem to flourish due to the lack of fishing done. My favorite par of orientation was the video making on the first day  because it gave me good tips on how to engage the viewer.

this is gonna be a great summer regardless of the circumstances

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