Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Charlestown Navy Yard Was A Blast!!!

Hey guys,

We are halfway through the summer and work, work has been very good and fun especially with the group I have this year. The weather has been very crazy this past week, dramatic heat waves, each and everyday I just keep getting darker and darker. My group makes all this hot weather much more bearable. This week was very unpredictable and different. We were at The Navy yard for 2 days but on Wednesday Patrice didn’t feel too well :( So I went to Spectacle Island for the second time which was great. Thursday we went on a harbor tour and learned so much which was fun.

We Focused on the climate resilience plan and how they are planning on keeping everything safe because there will be floods in a couple decades that will hurt the city of Boston so we are making a plan for what we can do, such as keep the city clean and dry. For example the city is thinking about creating rock walls to try and keep the water out and avoid flooding.

The Harbor tour with David was very interesting and fun because I learned so much about each island. I was able to see how long Long Island really is! We went all the way out to Boston Light which is one of the first lighthouses in the country.

Until next time :),
Che Hanks


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