Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rising Like The Sea

Hi there, 
We are almost at the end of July and midway through summer, making each second count. This week the team and I were at the Charlestown Navy yard exploring the land and the ports around us. Despite the heat wave Boston was going through this week, we kept our energy high and positive vibes. I think Tuesday was my favorite day at the Charlestown Navy Yard. We had a lot of laughs and jokes going around to distract us from the blazing heat. We also went out on a harbor tour which I managed to get both my arms and shoulders sunburned but it was worth it in the end. 

This week we focused on the city’s climate resilience plan on future flooding of Boston’s coastal neighborhoods. In the next couple of decades Boston will experience disastrous flooding all around the city especially areas like South Boston, East Boston, and Dorchester Bay. The City of Boston has a plan set in motion which includes strategizing of solutions to sea level rising through clean environmental answers. Assistant Deputy Director for Climate Change & Environmental Planning for the City of Boston, Chris Busch expands on the idea of green solutions, creating more outdoor barriers to counter sea level rises around the city's Neighborhoods. Plans and designs are on the way where seagrass, sand dunes, high rises, and rock walls will be utilized to avoid damaging waters and a safer community. 
At the Charlestown Navy Yard climate change is apparent in small forms, whether from the extreme hot vapor rising from the asphalt that last for hours on end, to how high high tide has become, to where the water rises so close to the top of the rock wall. Climate change is all around us and it is imperative we start the fixing now. 
Until next time, 
Jay Gomez  

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