Monday, July 27, 2020

Climate Resiliancy at Constitution Beach

    Climate change affects everyone and everything very differently. In Boston, climate change can potentially create more hot days in the summer and heavy precipitation. There will also be a greater sea level rising rate throughout Boston. Especially on the historic waterfronts of Boston, it is important because there will be a greater chance of flooding the areas. Through all of these changes to the environment, it can affect people who are children, senior citizens, and people with health problems, it will also affect Boston economically as there will be more money towards the rebuilding or fixing due to all of the upcoming natural disasters. Through Climate Ready Boston, different groups, and organizations such as UMASS Boston and UMASS Amherst, Boston is preparing through various solutions that will be added on overtime. For example, many are researching in on possibly building a harbor barrier looking forward and researching ways to stop flooding from the shoreline to predict the routes of floodwater and protecting it from neighborhoods near the water. They are also looking at redoing older buildings to prepare themselves for potential flooding and looking at new waterfront buildings, parks, and other waterfront areas that will be safe for people visiting.
    This week I was stationed at Constitution beach, located in East Boston, and home to one of the most diverse areas in Boston. The beach was kept in very good condition and many have looked after it. Climate change had an effect on Constitution beach due to the sea levels rising causing the waters to slowly increase at the beach. During low tide, I was able to discover that different parts of the sand were darker in color depending on how close they were to the water. Although tides have a great role in creating the different water levels throughout the day, I could tell significantly that there was a greater piece of land on the higher shore that was now darkened in color. Since I used to come to this beach as a kid, I could tell that the waters were rising because the ends of the tide were significantly closer to the ocean than how they were before. I would like to question the budget on the projects that they are starting up, and how long it will take them to be completed. I play a role in advocacy and awareness to climate change in Boston by being a part of the Boston Climate Strike team as an area-director. My job is to inform my peers and spread awareness through posters, social media, and more to get the word out about the strikes and other informational events happening in Boston. By educating my peers, I hope the severity of how little time we have left spreads in order for more people to be an active member in helping the planet.

To another week at the beach!

One of many works of art we had created in the sand!

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