Monday, July 27, 2020

Fort point channel

             Hello again, this week I was at Fort Point, the site of the children's museum as many people know. While there, me and my teammates were on the pier. We started off the week with a walk around the fort pier; we saw the tea party museum and the channel. We also had the opportunity to play around with the underwater drones to explore the harbor. We saw so many cool organisms like schools of cunner, blackfish, green crabs, and an eel! Then we visited a harbor boat and tested the water ph and saw what kind of animals live in each type of water.
Group picture for the win

Me and my teammates trying out the drones
            While there we worked on our deliverable, a lesson plan for one of the Boston community centers. I was in charge of talking about the history of fort point. I explained how it was built in 1853-1856 and how it was a historical landmark where Samuel Adams and his colleagues inspired the revolutionary war by throwing tea into the harbor. It was challenging trying to pack all the info about fort point into a lesson plan and also make an interactive game for students.
            We also learned about climate resilience and how it will change the neighborhood. Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events related to climate. Improving climate resilience involves assessing how climate change will create new climate-related risks, and taking steps to better cope with these risks. This affects the neighborhood of fort point because it can prevent the effects of climate change that would impact the more vulnerable people of the community like children and elderly. it an interesting concept that would drastically impact the community for the better.


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