Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Intro Blog

    Hi, my name is William Haney and I go to Holbrook Middle High School. I’m going into my junior year of school and that’s exciting for me. I play soccer and run track at my school. Soccer is my favorite thing to do whenever I want to do something. It’s basically my lifestyle. Track is fun because I’m pretty good at it and it helps me stay in shape.

    I’m looking forward to all the days I get to spend at Save The Harbor, Save the Bay with my team. I like all of the people I was put with and they’re all super nice. One thing I'm looking forward to this summer is the fishing trip. Fishing is cool and it's kind of relaxing being able to do something fun with the whole COVID-19 thing going on.

    This job is an amazing opportunity for anyone because not a lot of summer jobs involve working outside by the beach all day. I think it'll also look good in the future on a resume instead of writing a fast food place or something. My first few days have been pretty great. The weather in Boston is beautiful and I can't wait to enjoy working here all summer and in future years!

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