Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Setting the Hook on Summer 2020!

Hi Everyone! My name is Michael and I’m back for my third summer with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. I grew up in Revere, Massachusetts, fishing and learning as much as I could from the ocean. It’s really cool that my “home” beach is one of the sites this year, I’ve spent so much time there and know it well. 

A nice pumpkinseed sunfish took my fly!
I’ll be a senior this year at Northeastern University, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science with a concentration in Conservation. I love the ocean, but my goal is to work in a more terrestrial setting as a wildlife biologist managing large mammals, specifically ungulates. I spent the past two winters working for the Pennsylvania Game Commission on white-tailed deer studies, tagging and collaring animals so their movements could be monitored and more could be learned about their behavior. My dream is to work somewhere truly wild studying moose.

I’m an avid outdoorsman and try to learn all that I can about the natural world. Fly fishing is one of my biggest passions. I tie my own flies using different natural materials to catch any fish, ranging from stripers, to trout, to sunfish. I’ve just started to forage for wild edibles, which has resulted in some tasty meals of ramps, fiddlehead ferns, and oyster mushrooms. My goal is to become closer to the land by learning about it and living from it.

A striped bass caught at CHV last summer!
During these uncertain times, it’s nice to maintain some sort of normalcy by being out on the harbor doing what I love. I’m so happy that we have the opportunity to bring pieces of the ocean into people’s homes each week and can share what we are seeing. Of course, I’m going to miss fishing with campers out at Camp Harbor View, or taking out groups on the harbor islands, but I’m glad we are still able to get outside safely amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Being cooped up inside certainly can take its toll, but hopefully our summer programming will encourage people to enjoy the wonderful resource in their backyards!

It’s safe to say I can’t wait until the summer is in full swing and we start delivering content. Working for Save the Harbor has provided me with so many great experiences and memories and I’m ready to make some more!

            Tight Lines,

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