Thursday, July 9, 2020

To new beginnings

     Hi guys, my name is Keiana and this will be my first year at Save The Harbor Save The Bay. I will be a sophomore at Cathedral High School in the South End and I live in Boston. Over all I feel like Boston is a great city to grow up and live in. Things I do that interest me are traveling, listening to music, and baking. I feel like traveling helps me get my mind off of things and allows me to feel happy and free. The artists I like to listening to are Tyler The Creator, Gunna, and Roddy Rich. As for baking I feel like I got more into it as quarantine started because I found it interesting and a good way to pass time!                               
     I am excited to work at Save The Harbor this year because I believe it will help me in the future. I want to pursue a job such as being a marine biologists because it deals with the ocean's environment and the species within. I know that is it good to take on jobs that will help me get experience in the job field that I am hoping to achieve. Luckily, Save the Harbor Save the Bay gives me that experiences hands-on. Also to new beginnings and meeting many new people and faces.
     Something that I would like to learn more about this year is Boston beaches history and how to become more professional in job settings. I want to get better at time management and learn how to balance work with life because I know that is essential to growing up. I wasn't at orientation unfortunately so I can't say much about that, but I can't wait to have a great summer! 

until next time,
Keiana Queen 


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