Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Year ONE Here I Come!!

Hello Everyone! 
My name is Hannah Tucker, I am 16 and a rising junior at Newton North High School. I live in
Newton MA. At school I really enjoy my chemistry and math classes and can’t wait for biology
next year. My favorite sport is skiing. I was on my school's alpine team freshman and sophomore
year. In the winter I work at Sugarbush Mountain resort teaching 3 and 4 year olds how to ski. 

Last summer I worked at Camp Harbor View on Long island in the science program. I was
introduced to STH when I helped out with the team there every morning. This summer I am most
excited about working all over the harbor and seeing all the different species that live there. I am
really hopeful that this summer will help me learn more about what it is like working on the water.
When I grow up I want to be a marine biologist. Save The Harbor is helping me take the first steps into
achieving my dream. 

For as long as I can remember I have absolutely loved the ocean and everything in it! When
I was in elementary school I was introduced to sharks and immediately fell in love. They have
been my favorite animal since second grade! I am determined to help make the ocean the best
home it can be for sharks and all the other organisms living there too. 

I am SO excited to be a part of the Save the Harbor staff this summer. Get ready for one amazing summer!

Hannah Banana ;)

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