Sunday, August 23, 2020

see you next summer!


   This is sadly the last blog of the summer, but here is how my last we went. On Tuesday we went back to Castle Island with Caroline's group. On my way there, I saw Jay and Jane and said I could get a ride from Bridget. It was very early so we got in her car and picked D up from Carson beach because she wanted to come with us and we went to get breakfast at J Pace. I got a chocolate chip muffin and a chocolate chip cookie and apple juice. Went back to Bridget's car, made jokes, and ate our food and saw Vanessa then we to Castle Island. We walked down to the end of the beach where we played games and took pictures and of course, Ruben went fishing. We walked back and my group went into the water with our clothes on because why not! McRae, Claudia,Vanessa, and I all swam out to touch the buoy. It was McRae, me, Vanessa, and Claudia, and Will and Ruben didn't want to swim out that far. We ate then went home. On Wednesday we to Georges Island and walked around a lot and went inside the forts and in the dark tunnel. I was scared because I couldn't see anything and Kamal scared me and I almost had a heart attack! We ate, chilled out till the boat came back, then went home. On Thursday we went on a scavenger hunt; we met at J Pace I got a chocolate chip muffin and apple juice. We went across the street and ate and we started are hunt we walk all around the sea port to the aquarium then met up with everyone else took the last pictures and and are goodbyes and that is how my last week went. 

See u guys next summer,

Team Claudia at Rowe's Wharf

Team Claudia at the federal courthouse in the Seaport 

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