Friday, August 21, 2020

Summer 2020... is over!

Hello everyone, Sad to say but the summer is over and happily this is the last blog I will be writing for summer 2020. I am super grateful to have had the opportunity to be outside and have a wonderful summer with my team! The summer definitely went quicker than expected. July took it’s time but August started then in two seconds, it was over. This week definitely felt like it went by the fastest. On Tuesday, my team and I were having a blast in the sun at Constitution Beach in East Boston in addition to having Michaels team with us. On Thursday was the adventurous scavenger hunt around Boston. My team and I started at J. Paceson where we had a quick team breakfast and after made our way aground Seaport for the majority of our pictures. After we headed to the North End where I sadly rolled my ankle off the curb and had a limp for the rest of the day.
I am so happy that I was able to spend another year at Save the Harbor and even have my first year as a SHE. Even though this summer was very different from the others because of COVID-19, my team still managed to make the most of it. I will definitely miss my team members the most. Over the course of the summer we have built such a fun bond that I am hoping will last even after this summer is over. I am going to miss our fun team lunches and always making up fun games to play throughout the week. It was so amazing to be able to spend time at not only one site, but to different sites every week. I do wish we were able to spend more days with ALL the kids, but it is understandable on why we couldn’t.
Sadly, I don’t know if I will be working with SHSB next year because as a Pre-Med student I have to start beginning my research hours and clinical experience to get into medical school. I hope that everyone loved their summer as much as I did and have a great rest of the year. Always remember coronavirus is still out there, so everyone be extremely safe!!
See you guys later, Fatima :)

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