Sunday, July 25, 2021

3rd week


Another week here at Save the Harbor. This week was definitely one of my favorite weeks.  On Tuesday we went to revere beach where we did fishing and met with a park ranger. The water felt so nice but we got attacked by a wave. While meeting with the park ranger we learned about invasive species and talked about biodiversity. Ty and i found huge green crabs and we all found hermit crabs. Wednesday our originally plans were cancelled due to the rain so we went to spectacle island with a few of the other groups. While at spectacle we did fishing and my team and I caught a few crabs. I also got the chance to teach kid’s how to fish which was a lot of fun. We also got the chance to relax and go swimming. Thursday we went to rumney marsh where we got attacked by mosquitoes and got to see Aiden’s fear of bees and track star skills. While there we caught some frogs and saw a bunny. We then went to short beach where we worked on our deliverable and found a dead fish. That’s it! Thanks for tuning in see you next time. 

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