Sunday, July 25, 2021

Week 3 with the Bad Beaches


        This week was another exciting week with our group in terms of Save The Harbor activities. Even though we only had one day to actually be on site we still collected a lot of data and were prepared to create and deliver a deliverable for this coming Friday. We spent most of Tuesday doing this and we got quite a lot done. We went fishing as a group and explored the areas around Wollaston Beach. A lot of people in our group were returners from previous Save the Harbor years, but it was still interesting to know that our leader still had some new tricks to show us. For example, Jason taught us how to tie a proper fisherman's knot and set up a weight to a line, which is the knowledge I used on our fishing trip that we took part in on Thursday. One of the two events we had that week was our fishing trip where we got to be with Anna's group for the first time. I also got to see my friend Syan for the first time since orientation which was a good experience. I'm pretty sure he only caught one or two fish while I caught four!

        On Wednesday I took part in my first All Access event representing Save The Harbor. We had some real group bonding time as we went on a hike up the Drumlin and had a real blast when we made it to the top. On the one hand it was a great experience walking around and talking with my friends, but on the other - I stepped in a puddle filled with mud and I had to walk all the way up and down the Drumlin with a damp shoe. But in any case. We got some more nice group pictures (excluding Jasmine because she was a b s e n t) and we all had a blast. Between hiking and more fishing I was left a little drained afterwards so I had a nice nap on the boat on the way back. I'm really looking forward to making even more summer memories with my group and am excited to see what else comes our way!

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