Sunday, July 25, 2021

Charles River Week

 Hi everyone, 

This is my third blog and our location for this week is the Charles River. On our first day at Charles River, we explored Charles river and looked at the different places you can find around the area. On the second day, we went to spectacle island and we helped kids and other programs out. On Thursday we started doing our deliverables and we all researched things about the Charles River. My part of the deliverable was Charles River fishing and I learned a lot of things I did not know about the Charles River. One thing that I researched is that the Charles River is an 80-mile long river in eastern Massachusetts and is a great place for people to go fishing.

    The Charles River has over twenty-five different species of fish that live in the river and one of the most popular fish that is caught and eaten is the largemouth bass. Before you can fish you have to have a license which will cost you $27.50 a year and to fish you would need to be over 15 years old. Once you have figured out the things necessary for fishing in Massachusetts you would need to find a good fishing area that can be found along the riprap of the southern shoreline as well as the rock walls lining the edges of the river. Then when you do catch a fish you have to make sure the fish is at least 24 inches fork length which is the right size to keep the fish.

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