Sunday, July 25, 2021

Cruising Through Week Three!!

            Hey y’all!!

The top of the Drumlin!!

            Welcome back! This week my team and I explored water quality and harbor island history. What better way to explore that than going out to THEE Spectacle Island itself?! On the island, we made sure to get around to the Drumlin hiking trail. We were able to see and feel how high we are at the top of the island as we went around. This tied in well to our weekly exploration because, ironically, Spectacle island used to be lower until it got taken over with trash. After the trash burned for ten years, the island got cleaned up, and they added a sandbar, it became the tallest and most well known island in the harbor! It felt super rewarding to make it to the top and get the best view of the entire harbor!

            Backtracking to Tuesday, my group and I explored the water on Wollaston beach. We noticed a water drain with lots of debris and seaweed there, gross! Nevertheless, the water was very nice and we caught a bunch of green crabs as we fished there. It was interesting to see the difference in water quality just from a change of sites each week. While it is still the harbor, the distance between each site changes the quality of the water and the inhabitants that we catch.

I hope to see you again next week!! SEA ya! :)

Spectacle day!!

Aleena Mangham

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