Sunday, July 25, 2021

Another summer

 I’m so glad to be back at Save The Harbor Save The Bay, I can’t wait for another fun filled summer with making new friends and having more opportunities to be out on the harbor and to have great new memories also. This past school has been interesting with it beeping online so I’m so relieved to be working in person and being around other people. This week was really fun meeting my team whom I will be spending this summer with. On the first day of the week, we went to Short beach in revere where we picked up trash and walked on the beach which had a ton of seaweed on it. Aleena (one of my teammates) found squid eggs on the beach. We didn’t know what it was at first, then we looked it up and found our answer. Then we walked to revere beach to meet with a national park ranger to talk to us about the different kinds of plants and animals in the ocean. The next day we were back at revere beach. We went in the water and we all stood in a circle and played volleyball. Then we walked on the beach looking for things that caught our eye and the kinds of people went to the beach we ate and went in the water then we went home. The next day we were at a marsh. I forgot the name of it but there were a ton of mosquitoes and we saw a hawk eating an animal but we kept walking around the marsh and found a convenient store. I got a spider-man popsicle then we went back to revere beach some of us were playing with a frisbee. Albert and Alex found a hole and made it deeper and soon after all of us came and dug the hole we made it so six of us can fit in it and we built a wall and decorated it then we soon realized it was time to go home. And that was my week at save the harbor, see you in the next one Ari:) .

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