Sunday, July 25, 2021

Henry Burns - introduction and first week

 My name is Henry Burns this my first year at save the harbor.  I'm 16 and I'm going to be a junior in high school.  for my first week my team was at revere and our focus was on biodiversity.  our first day we did a survey about bivalves witch are basically the clam and oyster shells, and another survey about invasive species.  the next day was walking around on a nice beach, but we were also looking for what types of animals or plants were there and if they were invasive or not.  the third day was going to a marsh witch didn't last long we got some pictures and then ran away from all of the bugs.  After that we went back to the beach and started work on what our project on biodiversity is going to be.  In my opinion this is a great job you are usually close by a beach or water, you are learning about the environment and also teaching people about it.  

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