Friday, July 16, 2021

Exploring Revere - Week 2

 Another week down! This week, my group and I explored the beaches and marshes of Revere. We started the week at Rumney Marsh. There, we met our new group member, Grace, and walked through the trail alongside the water. We learned that this marsh was the largest protected marsh in Massachusetts, which was really interesting to learn because I had never been there before! On Wednesday, we went to revere beach, and the fog was crazy! We started our day doing a beach clean up; all of us grabbed a trash bag and began searching the sand for trash. When I first started, I didn't think I was going to find much, but, my group and I ended up finding 35 pieces of hard plastic, 26 pieces of soft plastic, 22 bottle caps, 9 pieces of metal, 8 pieces of styrofoam, 6 balloons, 10 pieces of paper, 12 masks/wipes, and 81 cigarettes!! Doing the beach clean-up opened my eyes to how much waste there is on beaches, and also how little energy it takes in order to give a helping hand. Taking part in the clean-up also reminded me of when I use to do beach clean-ups with Save the Harbor when I was younger. We took a break for lunch, played some games, and made a sand mural. This project was a really great bonding experience for our group, as we were all looking for shells to outline the words, while also doing it fast enough that the tide wouldn't take it away. I realized that I have been underestimating how strong the tide really is and also how fast it comes up. Next, we started planning our deliverable. Syan came up with an idea to do some sort of News cast, which we all thought was a great idea. After some discussion, we decided that our Newscast would be how global warming is affecting our waters and we started writing our scripts. We all pitched ideas on what we would personally like to talk about and what interests us, and we organized a plan. Syan decided to talk about how global warming affects marshes, Grace chose soil and plant life, Roy chose how global warming affects our city, Ruben chose animal life, and I chose how it causes sea level rise. We wrapped up for the day on Wednesday and decided it would be best to film the videos on Thursday. Thursday was by far my favorite day of the week. We spent our day at Short Beach exploring wildlife and enjoying all that this beach had to offer. We spent the day examining the wildlife, taking part in another beach clean-up, and fishing. The tide was extremely low, so we had the opportunity to see crabs, hermit crabs, snails, seaweed, fish, and some amazing shells and rocks. Ruben and Roy have a lot more experience than I do, and I truly learned a lot from them. Roy taught me how to hold a crab, how to tell male and female crabs apart, and how to cast, while Ruben taught me everything I need to know about fishing. I find it so amazing that all of us can come together in order to teach each other about new things. We filmed our parts of the videos, finished a few minutes early, and decided to walk across the street to another marsh. This walk was beautiful. It was full of flowers and beautiful birds and had an amazing view. At the end of the day, we went to an ice cream shop and had a great time talking about our weeks, and decided that Friday would be most beneficial spent at home, editing our videos, writing our blogs, and putting together our Newscast on zoom. This was another great week working for Save The Harbor. 

Below are pictures of my week:

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