Friday, July 16, 2021

Week 2 in the Books

Hi Everyone, 

This was a fun week, we explored places that I had never been before along with visiting some older locations that I hadn't been to in a few years. Monday we were virtual so there wasn't much exploring being done but we did hear from three very interesting guest speakers, two of whom were music producers and one who was a visual artist who designed album covers and videography. They played some great music! On Tuesday we went to Rumney Marsh reservation and then traveled to Nahant beach which was quite the experience. As we walked along the marsh we were attacked by mosquitos and other insects but aside from that I would say we had a good time. There were a few bunnies we saw in addition to the varrying bird species we would see flying overhead. After walking for about 30 minutes we decided to head back and try our luck at the beach. It was a cool place, we initially walked along the shore and found a few crabs and sea shells but primarily we saw different types of seaweed. That just about encompassed my groups Tuesday. 

On Wednesday I was unfortunately not here (due to family reasons) but I was still able to see the work my group did at Revere Beach where they picked up a whopping 210 pieces of trash! They also made an awesome piece of artwork in the sand and wrote out Save the Harbor embroided in seashells. The following day on Thursday we went to Short Beach in Revere. It was extremely foggy at times and we believed the reason for that was due to the drastic change in temperature between Wednesday and Thursday. I spent a lot of time exploring the awesome tide pool because it was low tide and we saw hundreds of hermit grabs, ranging from the size of a quater to smaller than a pea. We also found mussels and tons of oysters that had already been shuck. As the tide rose we then turned to fishing, no one caught anything, except for a ridiculous amount of seaweed. After our failed fishing exhibition we went to another marsh across from the beach and found mostly cool plants and a few birds scattered in the trees and an occasional bunny in a bush. Since we such a hot day we ended our day at Twist n Shake Ice Cream shop on Rever beach, it was quite the day and a great way to end our week!

Till Next Week!

Roy Thompson 

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