Saturday, July 10, 2021

My First Two Weeks at Save the Harbor

 Hi Everyone!

My name is Kasey Corra and this is my first summer at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. I’m a senior at Montrose School in Medfield, and I live in Boston. I'm involved in a couple student organizations at my school and love working on all kinds of projects.

I’m thrilled to be spending the summer outdoors! I love hiking and kayaking, and I’ve been running competitively for about five years. Working at Save the Harbor is a perfect excuse to learn more about the Boston area and recuperate after a demanding junior school year. 

We began orientation last week with a fishing trip! Despite the heat and a deceptive lack of fish, the activity was a great first introduction to the program. We did a handbook read-through over Zoom on Tuesday, and met again at the Seaport on Wednesday to go to Spectacle Island. To cap off the week, we spent a few hours on Thursday learning about the importance of various accessibility and disability terminology that we can put to use over the course of the summer and throughout our lives.

Our team spent the first week on site at Belle Isle Marsh and Constitution Beach in East Boston, putting together an infographic deliverable about the various birds that are commonly found in the area. We also spent a lot of time getting to know each other with an ice cream trip, sand rake drawings, an extensive game of movie charades, and communal suffering at the hands of bug bites. 

I’m looking forward to getting to know my team and helping serve the Boston community this summer!


Our team's first day on the job at Belle Isle Marsh

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