Friday, July 9, 2021

Year two on the harbor

     Hi guys, my name is Keiana and this will be my second year at Save The Harbor Save The Bay. I will be a junior at Cathedral High School in the South End and I live in Boston. Over all I feel like Boston is a great city to grow up and live in. Things I do that interest me are traveling, listening to music, and baking. I feel like traveling helps me get my mind off of things and allows me to feel happy and free. The artists I like to listening to are Tyler The Creator, Doja Cat, and sza. As for baking and cooking I feel like I got more into it as quarantine started because I found it interesting and a good way to pass time!

I am excited to work at Save The Harbor this year because I believe it will help me in the future. I want to pursue a job such as being a marine biologists because it deals with the ocean's environment and the species within. I know that is it good to take on jobs that will help me get experience in the job field that I am hoping to achieve. Luckily, Save the Harbor Save the Bay gives me that experiences hands-on. In Also to new beginnings and meeting many new people and faces. 

Week 1 on Belle Isle Marsh 

The first day was a little hectic there was a lot of bugs eating us up but we got through it. The first thing that we did was we went to an information center where it lit stood all the birds that you could find there. Then we were assigned two birds per person. I got the yellow warbler and the least better her in there were some pretty birds there. We walked around the marsh and came to this little walkway where you could see the marsh up close and the Birds nest I was a special website where you can look on the camera and see the birds up close live time as seen down below 

After that day everyone got to know each other and got comfortable with each other for the rest of the week we went down to Constitution Beach. We went to go get ice cream we got in the water and we are able to go in the park and play games to get to know each other better we wrote down information for birds to make our deliverables because there was a storm on Friday we just finished up our blogs in our work that we had to do and that concludes our first week.

Catch you later alligator 🐊,

Keiana Queen


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