Monday, July 19, 2021

Week 2 out on the harbor

This week my team and I were at Wollaston beach on the first day there we took a long walk to both end up the beach and we noticed how they had special borders up for certain birds that were breading so the no one would mess with their nest because if done so the mother bird would disown the baby chick and never come back to them. During the next few days we visited the marshes that were over there and seen a huge egret’s nest there wasn’t much to do on tbar side of the marsh so we went to the one across from it and at that one there was a trail so we ended up walking that and it took us around the whole marsh then we went down by the water where people you could kayak. Then on Thursday we walked over to the end of the beach where you could see where the marsh and the ocean water connected. It was actually pretty cool. Then we set up a tent near the beach. We went looking for different types of sea life such as huge crabs and different types of clams. I found a few. There were two in the sand that you have to dig out. Here is the picture.

Then on Friday we were in charge of the beach bash along with another team. There were a lot of things to do there for the kids such as swimming, kayaking, sports, food, there was even a dj, and face painting, and sandcastles for the littler kids. It was a fun experience to be out with other people and kids after so long of being inside I was at the sand castle station then got eventually got stuck doing face paint overall it was a very fun day for all of us.

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