Sunday, July 18, 2021

Week 2 Wollaston Beach

  This is my second week at Save the harbor and our location for this week was Wollaston Beach. This is not my first time going to Wollaston Beach because I would sometimes go with my family to go on a walk or just chill at the beach during summer. On the first day at Wollaston Beach, we went on a very long walk and learned a lot about different birds and about the beach. On Wednesday we walked again and learned about different types of sea creatures we will find the next day. We then drove to Nut Island which is also in Quincy and did fun activities where people go fishing. On Thursday we went crabbing and shellfishing at Wollaston Beach because we were learning about different types of sea creatures that live there. I learned that you can find a lot of green crabs at Wollaston Beach and learned that if you do find any green crabs you should kill them because they are an invasive species of crabs. This Friday I was a part of an event Beach Bash and I helped take care of the kids. We had to get there earlier than any other day and we had to help set up the event before the people come I was in charge of the fishing station and I taught kids how to fish. This week at Wollaston Beach was very enjoyable and I can't wait for the following week because our new location will be at the Charles River 

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