Monday, July 12, 2021

Year 5

 Welcome Back!

I am excited to announce that this will be my fifth year at Save the Harbor! My name is Patrice Haney and in addition to starting another amazing summer here I will also be starting my senior year of college at Framingham State. I am double majoring in Mathematics and Elementary Education. I will be senior captain of the track team and sprinting group this year which is bittersweet, as it will be my last year competing in a varsity sport. 

Spectacle Island 2019

I am looking forward to another amazing summer with Save the Harbor out on the water. This year in particular is very exciting because we will be returning to a semi-normal summer with much less restrictions. Last year was a tough adjustment through the pandemic, but we made the best of it. I think it gave our staff a great opportunity to bond and grow stronger relationships as we created lesson plans and other educational material for camp groups to use while we all were remote. This was a great opportunity for me, as an aspiring teacher, to have more practice with forming lesson plans that keep students engaged under difficult circumstances. 

We had a great start with our annual orientation fishing trip on the Belle. There were lots of new faces and many familiar ones too. David gave his lesson on the Harbor from the bow of the boat as we took off towards Spectacle Island. Lines dropped into the water and it wasn't long before someone pulled up a green crab. Shortly after Jasmine pulled up the first flounder! I helped her get the hook out of it's mouth so that she could hold it up for a picture before releasing it back to the ocean. After that we pulled up a few more crabs then had to start making our way back to the Seaport. It was a a great day out on the boat without a single cloud in the sky. 

Constitution Beach 2019

I look forward to keep you all updated about my adventures on the Harbor this summer!


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