Monday, July 12, 2021

Year Two

     Hi, my name is William Haney and I go to Holbrook Middle High School. I’m going into my senior year of school and that’s exciting for me. I plan on going to college next year, hopefully a nice school here in Mass or maybe somewhere far like California. I play soccer and run track at school currently. Soccer is my favorite thing to do whenever I’m bored or want to do something. I’m very passionate about it and it’s basically a lifestyle. Track is fun because I’m pretty good at it and it helps me stay in shape but I don’t enjoy it as much.

    This job is an amazing opportunity for anyone because not a lot of summer jobs involve working outside by the beach all day. I think it'll also look good in the future on a resume instead of writing a fast food place or somewhere that involves minimal skill. My first few days have been pretty great. The weather in Boston was great the week of orientation but not so swell the first week of work. I had fun last year and I can't wait to enjoy working here all summer and in future years!

This week my team was at Belle Isle/ Constitution Beach. We only spent one day at Belle Isle and it was horrible. There were beautiful views of the marsh land and we got to watch an osprey on a live cam but we were being attacked by mosquitoes the entire time. All of my group members still have bug bites all over their legs. Constitution was certainly more fun. We also got a lot of work done there and got to know each other a little better. Caroline is a great leader and is very easy to talk to. I have only seen Qalid once this week but he’s one of my good buddies so I’m glad he’s in my group. Harry doesn’t talk all that much but he’s pretty funny. Dee and Keiana are both really chill and come up with good discussions and things to talk about. Aliyah seems really outgoing which is cool because we’re all around new people so it’s great that she comfortable around us. Kasey is really smart and very attentive when we need to get work done. I like my group and I think we’re going to have a lot of fun over the next couple of weeks.  

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