Friday, August 13, 2021

Featuring a Save the Harbor Partner: The MIT Sea Grant!

 Hi again!

Last week, Team Caroline was in Revere creating a fishing tutorial video and researching bivalves. We did a bivalve quest with the MIT Sea Grant, and I was curious to see what other programs and research the Sea Grant does on a local basis. 

Established in 1968, the MIT Sea Grant attempts to promote marine conservation by conducting research and collaborating with other marine-centered organizations (like Save the Harbor!). The MIT branch of the National Sea Grant College Program focuses on marine technology and engineering in particular, and they have multiple research labs in Cambridge dedicated to their programs. 

The Sea Grant targets many of the problems that we’ve been learning about throughout the summer: sea level rise, noise pollution, ocean acidification, and coastal erosion. They do case studies and write outreach proposals for the state of Massachusetts to improve the health of coastal ecosystems -- similar to the marshes that we’ve visited this year -- and to help facilitate sustainable fishing, they promote specific gear and community fisheries.

Similar to Save the Harbor, the Sea Grant works to educate the Boston community about restoring the harbor and marine restorations. They created a “Science Walk” along the Seaport that was available to the public this July. You can see the infographics that they presented here. The grant also offers undergraduate and graduate fellowship opportunities, so keep an eye out if you’re interested! 

Our team worked with one of the grant’s research scientists to perform a bivalve survey in Revere, and it was awesome to interact with the program and help them research the ecosystem. I found my information from

See you soon!


A poster at the seaport that the Sea Grant made as part of their "Science Walk" this past year

Shells that our team found during our Bivalve Quest with the MIT Sea Grant

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