Friday, August 13, 2021

The Aquarium, That Really Big Turtle, and Eastie

 `So this week we were at the aquarium on Tuesday and in East Boston for the rest of the week.  The aquarium was fun, there were a lot of penguins.  I think that electric eels use electricity to find and kill their prey and there was an eel tank with a scale to show the electricity of the water.  I got a picture of the really big turtle when it was on the surface. I was told that they can hold their breath for hours so I must have gotten lucky.  Also they had some walruses that were trained to do tricks there.

And now on to the rest of the week.  The first day my train was really slow so I got to the place we were meeting with right on time or I was 1 minute late.  After that it was a normal day. I walked around, took some pictures and talked about what our project for the week was going to be.  Thursday was different because we were at a marsh for the first part of the day.  This time I didn't stupidly wear shorts and that paid off because I only had one bug bite and I killed it before it could do anything.  Definitely an improvement from the last time we were at a marsh.  After that we went to Constitution Beach, got some really good pizza for only 2$ and did a water quality test.  I forgot the results but I'm pretty sure you won't die if you go in.  On Friday it was finish the project and we also played a very intense game of uno but, it's uno, I haven't played a game where there's been less than two arguments. 

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