Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Final Week of STH!

 It has been a whirlwind of a summer! Still in disbelief that we reached the end of our time together as a group. It definitely feels bittersweet. The Lob Mob will inevitably disband! But it was a week full of fun activities and lasting bonding sessions. Even leading up to the end, we had some intense, adventurous and educational times. I feel like I owe so much to this job opportunity and all the groups who really helped me adapt and learn so much about not just Boston's harbor but its history and future. It's incredibly healing to be able to access the water but that is now juxtaposed with the impending climate change flooding disasters. I've seen how much Boston has already prepared but it's still crucial to involve the community more so, especially those most-as-risk. 

On the plus side, spending time with community was mostly what the final week was about! Bowling, public gardens picnic, final Spectacle Island visit and tunnel tours at Georges Island. The intense heat came along with us but we got rained out our final days. The islands were of course a blast and we celebrated TWO birthdays, Jay and Syan! They even got a gift from Bridget. Georges Island was an interesting tour, the tale of the Lady in Black and lots of dark passages. Bowling was wild, some of the kids are just in general wonders--they had mad skills. Finally, the public gardens was our last gather (insert many sad faces), surprisingly the kids do not like sweets (?!?!?) but it was great to just sit, talk, and take wacky pictures.

Well, I guess I can say I am not A BOSTON NEWBIE anymore. I've graduated to BOSTON BOSS. Okay, sorry I had to. Thank you for reading these posts (if you did), it has been fun!

Till next time,

francesca 🥀

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