Monday, August 16, 2021

Good day of Fishing

 As many people know I love fishing. It is pretty much an addiction. My dad gets annoyed because I talk to him on fishing all the time. So when I heard  the fishing derby was going to happen I flipped with joy. Though I also was worried because I had to wake up at five in the morning to get there on time. Luckily for me my dad was able to take me so that was good. The day started out fine it was a little rainy but I was okay with that and I was to focused on getting ready to fish. When everyone arrived we had bagels to eat and coffee to start our day. We were then placed into each boat and were sent off the find the big fish waiting to be caught.

I was in a small boat with Will and Albert and this boat was fast, the only issue with that was the giant waves coming our way. I was close to the front so when a wave came my butt would hit the deck super hard. I'm pretty sure I fractured my tail bone (joke by the way). We were going to different places but no luck on the first two. Then the captain decided to go to Nahant to try and catch blue fish which was also a no go sadly. I never caught a bluefish before so it kind of sucks. But then we moved to harbor channel to catch pogeys which are a good bait fish. We could see them jump out the water it was amazing. They also were not small fish these fish were larger then my hand which means we are going for the big boys.

Once we had enough bait we decided to go to Peddocks Island. I heard this place was good for striper fishing but I never been to this place before. What we used was one bait and two rods that had plastics tubes with hooks. If you saw them you would not think it would work. Not only did it work it was the only thing catching fish. We caught 5 fish in the one area using a plastic tube. I did not catch the biggest of my life or even that day but the fish I caught I was able to release and say that it survived and will be able to continue living and make more fish its size. I don't agree with eating and killing every fish you catch I believe in catch and release. But I am happy to say I caught a Striper this year.

Big bait for big fish

Nice Fish if you ask me

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