Sunday, July 31, 2022

no more BCM

This week was my last week at the Boston children's museum and I think I am going to miss it a lot. (i am mainly going to miss the tent that gave us shade the whole day).I will certainly miss my group and the site, but I am also very excited to move on to the excitement and curiosity of the next site. I am going to be working at all access for the rest of the summer and I am excited to go to the harbor islands nearly every day because honestly, I haven’t been there much throughout my life. hopefully, it will be fun!

But going back to my location for the first part of the summer, I am going to miss it a lot. every Monday we would meet at a camp and play games and fish with the kids. I only really played games because I have never been much of a fisher. it was always fun to draw with them and it seemed like they really enjoyed it. 

The main location where I spent like 50 hours of my time this summer was the Boston children's museum, where we found tons of crabs and taught a bunch of people how to fish. it was really fun to see little kids light up when they saw our crabs and to teach people about the harbor. I definitely learned a lot on the job so far this summer. it was very fun because we met so many different people, even some people from Spain and Ireland.

Thanks for the summer so gfar, BYE!!!

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