Sunday, July 31, 2022

Week 4, end of July

 Hello all, it's Aidan back again for blog number 4. This week marks the end of July, and the end of our first month this summer. This week was a busy week. On Monday, we had the usual at Atlantic Wharf. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were busy days, as multitudes of families visited the tent. We caught lots of green crabs and spider crabs, and we got to do a MIMIC on Thursday. Friday was our last team day together at Langone Park, where I played games section for the most part, while fishing got about ten green crabs.

I think my favorite part about being at BCM was having access to a bounty of crabs, mostly green with occasional spiders. The experience working in that site was highly interactive, promoting contact with passerby's and teammates. Having a wide range of things for kids to do was good too, since that helps in dividing the kids into manageable groups in case things get crowded. It's a shame that the canal by BCM is low on larger fish, so the fishing rods don't get a lot of action despite the attention they receive. My favorite day there was the day we hauled up our old crab trap that we thought was lost to the sea, but we reeled it up on a fishing hook, where it was filled with large green crabs.

And so that wraps up my final blog for July. It's been a hot month but a great month. I look forward to what August has in store, and what the next group will be. But I won't know till the week is here so... 

until then,


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