Monday, August 29, 2022

See You Next Year

 I can't believe it's over! My favorite part about working here was everything, I can't pick one moment that wasn't amazing. One thing I learned this summer is that green crabs have 5 spikes and that's how you can tell if a crab is a green crab or not.  I also learned that spider crabs aren't invasive. Some personal skills I've improved on are my communication skills.  I've managed to tell people about all of the weird and interesting things about crabs and have them actually understand what I'm talking about.  I can use these skills in my personal life every day, except for the crab skills. I don't see crabs every day at school so everything but the crab skills I'll use.  If one day a crab comes along I can freak everyone out by picking it up without it pinching me.  

My favorite game to play at Save the Harbor is Uno Flip.  For August, I was playing with Madison the Uno master.  The one thing I will miss most about this summer is the fun everyone has working here.  Can't wait till next year!


3 of my favorite pics this summer 

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