Tuesday, August 30, 2022

See you next year ! :)

 Hey Sea Lovers, it’s Ché agin! Sadly, this is the last blog I will be writing this summer. This summer was a blast, my favorite part of the summer had to have been the last day of first rotation. My team and I at Piers Park set up a blanket and had a last day bonding time. We ate pizza and a bunch of snacks for our lunch break. This summer was nothing but good vibes, the kids we worked with were amazing and very energetic. I feel as if they had so much fun and learned so much about the Harbor; which was our main goal this summer. To make sure the kids had fun and were knowledgeable about the harbor.

I learned so much this year at work,I  especially learned how to better work with kids. I learned and got better with talking to kids as well. Also with the great staff leader -Fatima and Aleena- I had a Piers Park I was able to learn so many skills on how to lead and how to be a better worker at Save The Harbor. I’m going to use these skills in the real world because I’m going to have jobs where I’m going to need to take initiative and be very vocal and this summer I was shown and learned how to do that.

What I will miss the most this summer is waking up early every morning and once we get to the park we play "Fishy Fishy Cross My Ocean' and 'Everyone's It" with the kids. I will especially miss when the kids would come down to the dock and the first thing they say is “can we check the crab trap” and continue to ask every five minutes haha. These kids love playing with the crabs. These kids are also fearless, they will stick their hands in the touch tank and try and pick up the biggest crab. I’m really going to miss Save The Harbor because this summer was a blast and I was able to work with and be around amazing people! Can’t wait for next summer! 

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